European AI for Finance

Description WHAT’S EUROPEAN AI FOR finance? Startup Inside is creating the most exclusive Artificial InteIligence initiative focused on the financial industry in Europe. A unique opportunity to gather the European AI ecosystem with the European Financial ecosystem: hundreds of corporates, startups, Fintechs, research labs and communities. With this B2B edition Startup Inside aims to spotlight the Top 100 use […]

BANKING 4.0 Summit – Bucharest

Description BANKING 4.0 - COMPLIANCE ALONE IS A LOSING STRATEGY At the heart of the event is the two-day FinTech Conference and Exhibition that is graced by international and local dignitaries, with keynote speakers from international and local banking community, from fintech community active locally and regionally and last but not less important honored by […]

Israel, the Startup Nation

Description As part of our Finnovators Breakfast Series, this unique webinar will showcase the Fintech ecosystem in Israel, their open innovation approach and their VC industry. Agenda: 09.30 - Introduction: Israel, the Startup Nation 09.40 - Citi Group: the Innovation Lab, with Haim Haviv, Head of Citi Accelerator 10.00 - Axell: Fintech Accelerator in Wealth Tech and Insurtech, with Lyron Wahrmann, Senior Advisor […]

International Webinar – Innovation dans le secteur de l’Assurance au Luxembourg

Description International Webinar portant sur l'innovation dans le secteur de l'assurance au Luxembourg (en francais) Le secteur de l'assurance au Luxembourg est l'un des plus important d'Europe, avec de très nombreux assureurs (vie et non-vie) ayant leur tête de pont pour distribuer leurs produits à travers le Marché Commun. Ces assureurs développent leur centre d'innovation et d'excellence […]

International Webinar: Challenges and Opportunities in Asset Management, Alternative Data & AI post-Covid19

Description International Leadership Perspective Challenges and Opportunities in Asset Management, Alternative Data & AI post-Covid19 with Reza Khorshidi D.Phil., Global Chief Scientist at AIG “Big Data” and “Artificial Intelligence” have been buzzwords in the financial services industry for several years, but why? What value can be extracted from data and how can AI be utilised to increase effectiveness, customer […]

European AI For Finance 2020

Description WHAT’S EUROPEAN AI FOR FINANCE? We are creating the most exclusive Artificial InteIligence initiative focused on the financial industry in Europe. A unique opportunity to gather the European AI ecosystem with the European Financial ecosystem: hundreds of corporates, startups, Fintechs, research labs and communities. AI for Finance propose more than a webinar. By taking […]

The Academic Digital Radar

Description A continuous concern of any leader is to know in advance which technology is going to influence market to stay ahead of competition. Leveraging its academic background and DNA, BTO developed the Digital Academic Radar based on academic sources to determine and identify main technologies that will impact the financial industry today and the imminent future. Inspiring […]

White Paper

Financing Green Futures Through DLT Innovation White Paper

White paper Leverage DLT to boost sustainable finance transparency, efficiency, and accountability. This white paper explores the transformative potential of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) in advancing sustainable finance, offering a fresh perspective on how DLT can tackle the key challenges presented in this white paper, by significantly enhancing transparency, efficiency, and accountability in the sector. […]
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