The Luxembourg Fintech Map

Take a look: The “Luxembourg Fintech Map” at a glance

In collaboration with LFF, The Payments Association EU, ALFI, ACA, and ABBL, we proudly present an inclusive Fintech map that offers a comprehensive overview of the dynamic and thriving Luxembourg Fintech ecosystem. While not exhaustive, this map provides valuable insights into the diverse range of Fintech companies and organizations operating within Luxembourg.

Explore the interconnectedness and innovation within this vibrant ecosystem and discover the endless possibilities for collaboration and growth.

Fintech Map LHoFT Luxembourg -2023 - Update 2023.10.24

We identified 200+ companies to be included in the map. Is your company, or another company you know missing from the map? Does your logo need updating?

Click here to let us know!

Updated: September 2023


The LHoFT Foundation

The LHoFT Foundation is a not-for-profit initiative supported by the public & private sector to drive innovation for, and digitialisation of Luxembourg’s financial services industry. The LHoFT is the national platform and central hub for Fintech, working to connect the domestic and international community to solve challenges and address opportunities that will ensure the Financial Industry’s continued competitiveness.

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