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Date & Time:

November 25 - November 26

BANKING 4.0 Summit – Bucharest



At the heart of the event is the two-day FinTech Conference and Exhibition that is graced by international and local dignitaries, with keynote speakers from international and local banking community, from fintech community active locally and regionally and last but not less important honored by 10 regulatory bodies representatives from banking and fintech.

Highlights of the conference Banking 4.0 includes transformation cases about moving forward beyond PSD2. Empowered by emerging technologies, such as AI, blockchain, and machine learning, FinTech companies are introducing new product offerings, increasing market access, and enhancing the customer experience across different financial services sectors and our aim is to present you the most significant ones.

Banking 4.0 powered by Nocash Events continues to be one of the biggest FinTech event in the CEE, and provides a regional platform for Banking and Finteh community to connect, collaborate, and co-create.

BANKING 4.0 in a nutshell

  • 500 attendees expert level
  • 60  speakers ( 30 international ones)
  • 10 regulatory bodies and professional associations

(European Banking Authority, European Payments Council, European Fintech Alliance, National Bank of Romania, Romanian Banking Association, European Banking Federation, Competition Council, National Authority for Consumer Protection, Ministry for Communication and Information Society, Romanian  Agency for Digital Agenda (AADR), etc

  • 125 companies

( Fintechs, banks, telecom, consulting, law houses, infrastructure providers, cyber security, payment processors, e-commerce integrators)

  • 20 partners

Check out the Speakers Lineup 

Check out the Full Agenda 

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White Paper

The AI Revolution In Financial Services

White paper How artificial intelligence is transforming the financial services industry, from portfolio management to AML compliance This white paper, prepared and written by VitalBriefing explores the impact of AI on Luxembourg’s finance sector, discussing its influence on investment management and KYC processes, the EU’s AI Act, and the balance between privacy and data access for sustainability. It examines current and potential AI use in financial institutions, considering scalability, and features expert insights from Nasir Zubairi and Claude Marx for
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