7 New Fintechs added to the LHoFT Ecosystem

With 58 hosted Fintechs and 137 members, the LHoFT ecosystem continues to grow. In the last weeks, we had the pleasure to welcome 7 new members.

You can see the full list of LHoFT members on our Innovators page, but here’s a look at the members who have now joined us.

New Hosted Members: 


Blockchain is known as the world’s most popular crypto walle and is on a path to revolutionizing the $14T financial services industry. The company is backed my leading investors including Lightspeed Venture Partners and Google Ventures.


Mattrvest helps everyone achieve their life goals by simplifying financial planning and savings management. Their smart virtual agents create curated journeys for you while ensuring your priorities and choices. And all of this is done while ensuring that your savings are channeled to shape companies supporting sustainability and working towards a better future for all of us.


Oxema is a P2P marketplace allowing qualified investors to invest directly into alternative assets combining end-to-end value chain for key business processes.

New Fellow Members:

FINQware develops technologies & products in order to put “open banking”@work, giving people tools to be wiser with their money.

Emailtree applies AI tools to generate email answers using different machine learning techniques to manage and respond to emails fast and efficiently.

SoRisk3&Compliant aims at significantly minimizing IT, Legal and/or Regulatory costs incurred by Financial Institutions in the best interest of Investors and Clients.


Finoxys is an AML transaction monitoring solution based in the cloud which knows all information about the bank’s customers, captures all transactions in real-time from relevant channels, and detects abnormal patterns using standard REST APIs.



The LHoFT Foundation

The LHoFT Foundation is a not-for-profit initiative supported by the public & private sector to drive innovation for, and digitialisation of Luxembourg’s financial services industry. The LHoFT is the national platform and central hub for Fintech, working to connect the domestic and international community to solve challenges and address opportunities that will ensure the Financial Industry’s continued competitiveness.

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