Vouch Digital

The Vouch platform is an online verified digital supply chain platform that enables donors to offer cash donations to communities, both conditional and non-conditional payments with three underlying principles: Transparency of payments made and recipients, Traceabiility of each transaction (end to end) and Accountability of each payment made (both donor and recipient side).
Country of incorporation: Uganda
Year of incorporation: 2017


Ms Evelyn Namara, Founder & CEO | Mr Najja Najibulla Sendege, Co-Founder & CTO

Elevator Pitch

The Vouch platform is an online verified digital supply chain platform that enables donors to offer cash donations to communities, both conditional and non-conditional payments with three underlying principles: Transparency of payments made and recipients, Traceabiility of each transaction (end to end) and Accountability of each payment made (both donor and recipient side).

The platform has in the past delivered payment vouchers for purchase of goods and services such as hermetic storage, seeds, fertilizers, medical equipment as well as farming equipment.

Problem Solved

Fraud and corruption marring cash and donation-based programs.

Solution / Technology

Working on an identity verification toolkit that will help provide clear identification of aid recipients and a digital platform that enables donors to transfer payments to verified recipients.


Product toolkit (in development) for proper verification and identification of aid recipients in Sub-Saharan Africa: [Our research shows that most fraud occurs because recipients are not well identified and verified]

Market Size

Over $100 Billion is delivered in foreign aid world-wide, majority of this coming to the global south. Over half of recipients targeted by foreign aid are from Sub Saharan Africa and have no legal identity. (500m people)

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White Paper

The AI Revolution In Financial Services

White paper How artificial intelligence is transforming the financial services industry, from portfolio management to AML compliance This white paper, prepared and written by VitalBriefing explores the impact of AI […]
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