SOPIAD is the independent provider of client-centric ratings that simplify investors decisions…
Country of incorporation: Belgium
Year of incorporation: 2021


Mr. Pierre Nemeth, Chief Executive Officer | Mr. Martin Defêche, Chief Technology Officer | Mr. Simon Taquet, Chief Operating Officer | Mr. Cédric Gillain, Chief Research Officer | Mr. Julien Renkin, Chief Commercial Officer

Elevator Pitch

SOPIAD is the independent provider of client-centric ratings that simplify investors decisions while comforting their financial well-being and alignment with their personal values.

Problem Solved

At SOPIAD we believe that investment decisions should be made easier for investors.

Making investment decisions is more challenging than ever due to numerous options accessible, product sophistication and the vast amount of information available.

Looking forward, the client-advisor relationship will be about collaboration, purpose and the overall investing experience, not about financial performance only.

Solution / Technology

Cloud-based solution with both SaaS and API-based options responding to clients’ various levels of digital maturity, legacy systems and integration expectation.


Grounded on years of academic research and guided by seasoned business and academic experts, our innovative solution enable financial intermediaries to differentiate and reimagine the investing experience.

Relevant Links

White Paper

The AI Revolution In Financial Services

White paper How artificial intelligence is transforming the financial services industry, from portfolio management to AML compliance This white paper, prepared and written by VitalBriefing explores the impact of AI […]
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