
Peer Mountain is a decentralized ecosystem for identity aggregation, trust and compliance. Peer Mountain rewards trustworthiness, encourages responsible behavior and automates compliance. Our Peer Chain technology has the scalability and reliability to bring blockchain based trust to real enterprise business cases, today.
Country of incorporation: BVI
Year of incorporation: 2018


Mr. Jed Grant, CEO | Dr. Markus Forster, CTO | Mr. Joel Wealer, COO

Elevator Pitch

Peer Mountain is a decentralized ecosystem for identity aggregation, trust and compliance. Peer Mountain rewards trustworthiness, encourages responsible behavior and automates compliance. Our Peer Chain technology has the scalability and reliability to bring blockchain based trust to real enterprise business cases, today.

Problem Solved

Establishement and record of trust for business transactions.

Solution / Technology

Decentralzied blockchain based ecosystem of trust.


  • Patent
  • Open ecosystem
  • Low cost, fast deployment

Market Size

Consumer finance & insurance

Relevant Links

White Paper

The AI Revolution In Financial Services

White paper How artificial intelligence is transforming the financial services industry, from portfolio management to AML compliance This white paper, prepared and written by VitalBriefing explores the impact of AI […]
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