MANGHINI enables smart and ethical decisions in a digital world, be it for financial institutions or other sectors. It helps to transform traditional companies into tech firms. It is capable to identify customer needs and the right tech partners to address these needs in the most innovative way (e.g. regtech software for ESG compliance).
Country of incorporation: Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Lichtenstein
Year of incorporation: 2018


Mr Pierre Mangers, Founder

Elevator Pitch

MANGHINI S.A. enables smart and ethical decisions in a digital world, be it for financial institutions or other sectors.
It is able to identify the 3 most relevant business questions and to design the right KPI to manage the business performance in a learning reporting environment from descriptive to predictive and presctiptive statistics.

MANGHINI S.A. assists its clients to select the right fintech partners capable to serve the needs of traditional financial institutions.In addition, MANGHINI S.A. has developed an algorithm to challenge company valuations based on their data quality.

Problem Solved

Find the right charity partners for banks, funds, family offices, commercial companies or asset management companies to become corporate philanthropists based on matching algorithms between corporate values and charity beneficiaries.

Solution / Technology

  • Solution delivered in face-to-face workshops developed with proprietary know-how.
  • Technology agnostic delivery.


  • Business development due to extensive C-suite network – Big4 past. Top line growth.
  • Right arbitrage between compliance and speed.
  • Profound knowledge of strategic planning for over 15 years. Expertise in mathematical modeling (stochastic) in data management.

Market Size

There are no reliable data to estimate the overall market size of MANGHINI’s service range: „transform conventional financial players into tech firms“. A supply based estimation would be: 10 – 30% of the revenue level of Big4 in advisory services for financial institutions.

Relevant Links

White Paper

The AI Revolution In Financial Services

White paper How artificial intelligence is transforming the financial services industry, from portfolio management to AML compliance This white paper, prepared and written by VitalBriefing explores the impact of AI […]
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