
LuxTrust can help you transform and digitalize your processes to improve business efficiency while cost effectively increasing security and meeting ever evolving compliance requirements.
Country of incorporation: Luxembourg
Year of incorporation: 2005


Mr. Pascal Rogiest, CEO | Mr. Stéphane Ries, COO | Mr. Bernard Antoine, CCO

Elevator Pitch

LuxTrust can help you transform and digitalize your processes to improve business efficiency while cost effectively increasing security and meeting ever evolving compliance requirements.

Problem Solved

  • Enabling natural and legal persons to identify and authentificate themselves on the web.
  • Enabling full digitalization of business processes by avoiding the need to use wet signatures/ seals on papers.
  • Providing electronic signatures and seals having the same legal effect as wet signatures/ seals.

Solution / Technology

  • Provision of digital identities to persons; includes video identification.
  • Authentication of those persons through the Internet. Provision of advanced and qualified electronic signatures, the latter providing the same legal effect as handwritten signatures. All LuxTrust signatures include qualified timestamp.
  • Provision of advanced and qualified electronic seals; all LuxTrust signatures include qualified timestamp
  • Code signing certificates
  • SOFIE (Secured Online File Exchange)/Efile Certificates

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White Paper

The AI Revolution In Financial Services

White paper How artificial intelligence is transforming the financial services industry, from portfolio management to AML compliance This white paper, prepared and written by VitalBriefing explores the impact of AI […]
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