
Invoport is a platform that helps with digitizing the daily investment fund administrative tasks. It also enables the investors to connect to interact and exchange digitally with the administrator as well as view performance and financial information in real-time.
Country of incorporation: Luxembourg
Year of incorporation: 2022


Mohammad Arrab: Founder & CEO. | Paul Stievenart: Chief Sales Officer.

Elevator Pitch

Invoport is a platform accessible online 24/7, with powerful computing capacity that makes the fund administrators perform their duties super-fast, it is an expert software that can be used alone without the support of any other tool, it has unlimited capacity that does not only significantly increase the productivity of the team but also to deliver class quality services, not to mention that it is cost-efficient for any fund admin of any size!

Invoport enables investors to connect to manage their investments in different funds, and where fund administrators or managers can share reports and other information with the investors instantly to keep them posted about the performance of the investment.

Problem Solved

  1. The manual processing, production and distribution of the capital notices, the dividend distribution notices, and the capital account statements of the investors of alternative investment funds.
  2. The multiple production of the same data for different purposes in the fund administration services.
  3. The absence of the way of making the investors able to connect anytime, anywhere to view the performance of their investments.

Solution / Technology

  1. Automated and secure processing, production and distribution of the capital notices, the dividend distribution notices, and the capital account statements of the investors of alternative investment funds.
  2. Employ the produced data in the different areas as required from the fund administrator.
  3. Provide a portal to the investors enabling them to connect anytime, anywhere to view the performance of their investment in real-time.

Market Size

Luxembourg is the domicile of more than 100 regulated fund administrators, 200 regulated fund managers and 13,000 of regulated and unregulated investment funds.

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White Paper

The AI Revolution In Financial Services

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