Our mission is to enhance internal governance for regulated companies. We make it easy to collect and connect large volumes of data, documents and controls. We believe that good governance only happens when you have access…
Country of incorporation: Luxembourg
Year of incorporation: 2011


Mr. Bert Boerman, CEO & Co-founder | Mr. Rob Boerman, CTO & Co-founder

Elevator Pitch

Our mission is to enhance internal governance for regulated companies. We make it easy to collect and connect large volumes of data, documents and controls. We believe that good governance only happens when you have access to all relevant information, and then have proper processes in place to ensure good decisions. brings both the technology and the support services to make this happen.

Problem Solved

Data overload and lack of transparency.

Solution / Technology

A cross-platform flexible technology that collects and connects all information in the organisation. The system can be deployed on-premise or in the cloud, and has a completely flexible dataset. This ensures that the system adapts to the organisation, while making it extremely simple to manage processes. A white labelled client portal further allows for online collaboration on data, documents, meetings, decisions and du diligence.


A powerful system solution that has been built with simplicity in mind, by hiding complexity from end users. The result is maximum adoption in the organisation. Supported by a global network of operational and regulatory support partners.

Market Size

Global RegTech spending market: USD 80 Billion per year
Global spending on regulatory compliance: USD 1 Trillion per year
Global IT Spending: USD 2.3 Trillion per year

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White Paper

The AI Revolution In Financial Services

White paper How artificial intelligence is transforming the financial services industry, from portfolio management to AML compliance This white paper, prepared and written by VitalBriefing explores the impact of AI […]
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