FundProcess Sàrl

Data Management and Coding Solutions for the Fund Industry.
Country of incorporation: Luxembourg
Year of incorporation: 2019


Mr. Frédéric Duquenne, Managing partner | Mr. Stéphane Royer, Chief Technology Officer | Ms. Moyra Bonjean – Chief Operating Officer

Elevator Pitch

FundProcess creates SaaS Solutions with integrated ETL and Coding Tools for Asset Managers to operate complex data management, eliminate manual operations and design their own business functionalities.

Problem Solved

  • Management of large amounts of complex, unstructured, and fragmented Data
  • Delegation of Data Management
  • Elimination of manual operations leading to Operational Risk mitigation
  • Bypass of IT and Service Providers for customization of Data Management, Business Features and Reporting

Solution / Technology

ReactJS, .NET, ETL.NET, SQL Server/ Mongo DB, Stimulsoft


  • Integrated Macro Designer for Data Management and IT Customization by the Business Teams
  • ETL + Macro Designer + Report Designer + Batch Designer integrated with a Fund Industry Data Model, on the same platform
  • Exhaustive Database of Macros, as well as of Report templates for Funds

Notes :
ETL stands for Extract-Transform-Load for PDF, XLS, and CSV extraction
A Macro is a small piece of Code

Market Size

  • Luxembourg:
    • 305 Management Companies managing 5,314 billion Euros
    • 60 Private Wealth Managers
  • Planned International Expansion in Belgium, France, the UK, Switzerland, etc.

Relevant Links

White Paper

The AI Revolution In Financial Services

White paper How artificial intelligence is transforming the financial services industry, from portfolio management to AML compliance This white paper, prepared and written by VitalBriefing explores the impact of AI […]
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