EmailTree AI S.A.

Changing the way you manage your emails. Respond to emails in seconds!
Country of incorporation: Luxembourg
Year of incorporation: 2019


Mr. Casius Morea, CEO | Mr. Lucian Darabus, COO | Mr. Andrei Radu, CTO

Elevator Pitch

Changing the way you manage your emails.

Respond to emails in seconds!

Problem Solved

EmailTree AI comes as an en-to-end solution to increase email productivity, automate email composition and trigger automatic actions in databases. This means spending considerably less time on emails, using the time efficient for more value-added activities. NLP/NLU, ML and RPA techniques are used to manage and generate emails for customer services and support teams. The different steps are email understanding, supervised learning, actions and tasks automation in databases. The knowledge built is then used also for different types of inputs (sms, scan, chatbot, etc.).

Solution / Technology

Different AI techniques : NLP / NLU, ML and RPA


An end-to-end solution, solving a complete automated flow.

Market Size

Global contact center outsourcing market:
88 Billions USD in 2018

Relevant Links
White Paper

The AI Revolution In Financial Services

White paper How artificial intelligence is transforming the financial services industry, from portfolio management to AML compliance This white paper, prepared and written by VitalBriefing explores the impact of AI […]
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