
Integrity is Easy. ComplianceWise helps financial institutions to act AML compliant in an easy way. We do this by delivering a KYC and Transaction Monitoring application. Safe, cost effective and Compliant (not only for now but also in the future!).
Country of incorporation: The Netherlands, Luxembourg
Year of incorporation: 2012


Mr Jeroen Cremer, Commercial Director

Elevator Pitch

Integrity is Easy. ComplianceWise helps financial institutions to act AML compliant in an easy way. We do this by delivering a KYC and Transaction Monitoring application. Safe, cost effective and Compliant (not only for now but also in the future!).

Problem Solved

In a continuously changing legal environment it is very hard for financials to act compliant within budgets. ComplianceWise offers IT solutions to Financials to improve their compliance poces by using the latest technologies. By working in this way it is easier to act compliant and safe cost.

Solution / Technology

SaaS solutions
KYC application:All employees within the organization will be guided by the software in fulfilling their regulatory compliance activities. Having all relevant KYC data within one platform makes it possible to create insights on any given moment for all stakeholders including the supervisor. Reporting is a matter of one push on the button. Transaction Monitoring application: All transactions of the financial clients will be monitored (using data analytics) and logged in the application. Suspicious transactions will be flagged in the application and need to be followed up by the staff. All transaction data will be logged in the application and can be made visible on any given moment. Reporting is a matter of one push on the button.

We are the first and only company who are delivering a complete solution where we integrate compliance (Client and Transaction profiles) and finance in one platform. This will create a more efficient way of working between the Compliance department and the Financial departmernt and will lower the risk of non compliancy.

Multi Bank payment engine: We have developed a multi bank payment engine where all transactions can be prepared and send to any bank via the SWIFT network. No need to log in on each online banking system of the different banks but just use one platform: Safe, efficient and less risks!


In depth compliance knowledge. Started in The Netherlands with strong supervision. Leveraging this advantage to expand to other jurisdictions
• Integration of compliance and finance in one application
• Worldwide partner of SWIFT
• Pragmatic solutions which benefits Financials directly without much – training
• User friendly interface
• Pricing model: pay per usage

Market Size

Financials acting under the AML directive / Worldwide

Relevant Links

White Paper

The AI Revolution In Financial Services

White paper How artificial intelligence is transforming the financial services industry, from portfolio management to AML compliance This white paper, prepared and written by VitalBriefing explores the impact of AI […]
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