Brainframe Services

Brainframe unifies all essential tools for security, quality, and compliance professionals into a single, comprehensive platform that streamlines management and collaboration.
Country of incorporation: Luxembourg
Year of incorporation: 2015


Davy COX, Founder, CEO & CTO, +352 27867914

Elevator Pitch

Brainframe gives security, quality and compliance professionals the wings they deserve with a first of its kind solution combining ISMS, GRC, QMS and DMS in one platform for an efficient collaboration, documentation, implementation, certification and continuous improvement of any framework, regulation or standard. By making governance accessible to even small startups, we help businesses grow securely and sustainably. Our close collaboration with consultants ensures that companies of all sizes have rapid access to specialized expertise whenever required.

Problem Solved

As more companies face stringent security and quality regulations, implementing standards and regulations like ISO27001, GDPR, NIS(2), DORA, HDS, and others typically demands multiple tools for organization and management (document management, task management, asset management, document approvals & distribution to staff, KPI tracking, Forms, Process workflows, Risk management tools, diagram editors, …).
This overwhelming array of options, coupled with high costs, often impedes companies from successfully initiating standardization implementations. Additionally, consultants also face similar challenges due to a lack of standardized tools with their clients, leading to significant time loss in collaboration (and higher costs for their end customers).

Solution / Technology

Brainframe’s digitalized, all-in-one solution (available as SaaS or self-hosted) simplifies the process by bringing together essential tools with affordable pricing tailored to businesses of all sizes. This allows companies and consultants to concentrate on the task at hand. We also offer unique features specifically designed for consultants to standardize, digitize, and easily replicate their work, saving time while assisting their clients.

Market Size

Global RegTech spending market: USD 80 Billion per year
Global spending on regulatory compliance: USD 1 Trillion per year

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White Paper

Financing Green Futures Through DLT Innovation White Paper

White paper Leverage DLT to boost sustainable finance transparency, efficiency, and accountability. This white paper explores the transformative potential of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) in advancing sustainable finance, offering a […]
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