ANote Music

ANote Music developed the stock exchange for Music Royalties, accessible via a proprietary trading platform. Music Owners have now access to an alternative source of funding. Investors, on the other hand, gain exposure to…
Country of incorporation: Luxembourg
Year of incorporation: 2018


Mr Marzio Flavio Schena, CEO | Mr Matteo Cernuschi, COO | Mr Grégoire Mathonet, CTO

Elevator Pitch

ANote Music developed the stock exchange for Music Royalties, accessible via a proprietary trading platform. Music Owners have now access to an alternative source of funding. Investors, on the other hand, gain exposure to an alternative asset class which yields royalties and generates high income, uncorrelated with traditional financial markets.

Problem Solved

By positioning itself as the bridge between the Music Industry and the Capital Markets, the aim of ANote Music is to sustain the market of music rights and foster its liquidity. The ANote Music Platform enables Publishers, Record Labels and Artists to sell part of their music rights. On the buy-side, investors can buy into those music rights that are being sold. On that account, ANote Music introduces to sellers a new scheme of financing, and to Investors new investment and diversification opportunities.

Solution / Technology

ANote Music developed a stock exchange for music Royalties, accessible via a proprietary trading platform. Transactions happening on the platform are stored into a Private Blockchain developed in-house. ANote Music uses Blockchain technology as a secondary medium to ensure transactions are secure. Further, the main actors on the market are invited to run a node of the Blockchain in order to be part of the validation process and to increase the overall security and trust on the platform.


For the sellers: we are the only place where music shareholders can liquidate their assets.
For the buyers: we are the only place that provides direct exposure to this asset class in a non-locking way.

Market Size

The music industry royalties generated 27 bn€ last year, amongst which 13bn were generated in Europe. We expect to get 5% market share of Europe over the next three years.

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