Latest Past Events

Under the hood of ESG in Finance: Why Good Governance Matters

Join us for the third and final session of the Benelux ESG series as we tackle the "G": Governance. Beyond compliance and regulation, we will discuss why Governance is vital to the success of an organization and why it matters when you are a fintech.   Some of the speakers of the event: Bert Boerman, […]

Romanian AI Startups in Luxembourg (In Romanian)

REN WEBINAR adresat profesioniștilor și companiilor in domeniul AI - ecosistemul luxemburghez și oportunitățile pentru companiile românești About this event Sunteți invitați la un prim eveniment REN pe tema inteligenței artificiale. Luxemburg a ridicat digitalizarea și inteligenta artificiala la nivel de prioritate guvernamentala acum câțiva ani și de atunci rezultatele nu au întârziat sa apară. Ambition #1: - […]


FOCUS ON 2022 Luxembourg for Finance invites you to join our livestream session: FOCUS ON 2022 Wednesday, 15 December 2021 10:30-12:00 CET It is the final act of 2021. A year which has seen sustainable finance become ever more entrenched in global financial services, markets have been characterised by wild pandemic-driven swings, and inflation has […]

White Paper

Financing Green Futures Through DLT Innovation White Paper

White paper Leverage DLT to boost sustainable finance transparency, efficiency, and accountability. This white paper explores the transformative potential of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) in advancing sustainable finance, offering a fresh perspective on how DLT can tackle the key challenges presented in this white paper, by significantly enhancing transparency, efficiency, and accountability in the sector. […]
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