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Date & Time:

March 19 @ 12:00 pm - 1:15 pm

The AI Spotlight Series – Banking Rewired!

From brick and mortar to Banking 4.0: Robot Process Automation, Conversational AI, and Automated Credit Scoring

With our first Industry Showcase series, we focus on how Artificial Intelligence is impacting and augmenting financial services from the banking and wealth management industry to the insurance sector. Our “AI Spotlight Series” introduces you to Industry Leaders and high-end entrepreneurs from different geographies for a best-practice guide on applying the latest AI to your financial services processes.

12h00 – 12h35 PM – Panel Discussion – Banking Rewired! with Danny Kaltenborn, Pranay Jain, Nitin Purwar , and Maria Mihes moderated by Anke Joubert, Manager at Deloitte

Learn how AI-fueled credit scoring systems, conversational AI, and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) change the rules for succeeding in today’s competitive banking landscape.

You’ll learn about:

  • How RPA speeds up compliance, reduces costs, and increases operational efficiency
  • How you can scale your customer service with cutting-edge AI chatbots and conversational AI
  • How AI tools for credit scoring and lending decisions increase the number of customers and decrease the risk

12h35 – 12h40 PM – Q&A with the audience

12h40 PM – 1h10 PM (two workshops to choose from)

🟢 Workshop 1: The human-like AI Bot with Pranay Jain, CEO of Enterprise Bot

In less than 30 minutes you’ll learn how to:

Customize your AI Bot with pre-built integrations, contextual understanding for customer queries automation, an increase in sales and client satisfaction. (a finance use-case)

🟢 Workshop 2: The RPA sentinel with Maria Mihes & Nitin Purwar from UiPath

In less than 30 minutes you’ll learn how: 

AI applied to Robotic Process Automation reduces a bank’s compliance costs, regulatory risks and improves a banking risk profile. (a banking use-case)

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White Paper

The AI Revolution In Financial Services

White paper How artificial intelligence is transforming the financial services industry, from portfolio management to AML compliance This white paper, prepared and written by VitalBriefing explores the impact of AI on Luxembourg’s finance sector, discussing its influence on investment management and KYC processes, the EU’s AI Act, and the balance between privacy and data access for sustainability. It examines current and potential AI use in financial institutions, considering scalability, and features expert insights from Nasir Zubairi and Claude Marx for
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