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June 24 @ 4:00 pm

International Showcase: The Payment Industry in Luxembourg



The Payment Industry in Luxembourg 

Luxembourg is one of the main Payment Hubs in Europe. Top internationals payment firms have chosen the country: PayPal, Alipay, Amazon Pay, Rakuten, Ping Pong, Satispay, Emergent Payment, Mango Pay, and many others.

Learn everything about the Luxembourg Payment Ecosystem, the regulation, the trends and how to deploy your business all over Europe.


02:00pm – Introduction to the Luxembourg Payment Industry (LFF)
02:10pm – Perspective on the European Payment Ecosystem (EPA)
02:20pm – Launching a fintech in Luxembourg (LHoFT)
02:30pm – A payment use case with Satispay
02:40pm – Q&A (with the participation of the CSSF)

This unique webinar is brought to you by Luxembourg For Finance and the LHoFT.

Next Luxembourg International Showcase:

30 June 2020 : International Showcase: The Luxembourg Banking Industry > https://www.lhoft.com/en/meet-the-fintech-community/international-showcase-the-banking-industry-in-luxembourg

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White Paper

The AI Revolution In Financial Services

White paper How artificial intelligence is transforming the financial services industry, from portfolio management to AML compliance This white paper, prepared and written by VitalBriefing explores the impact of AI on Luxembourg’s finance sector, discussing its influence on investment management and KYC processes, the EU’s AI Act, and the balance between privacy and data access for sustainability. It examines current and potential AI use in financial institutions, considering scalability, and features expert insights from Nasir Zubairi and Claude Marx for
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