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May 25 @ 5:00 pm - 5:40 pm

International Leadership Perspectives: “Regulation the day after COVID-19 and the role of technology”, with BBVA


Join us on Thursday 25th of May at 5.00 PM for an exclusive live fireside chat  on the “Regulation the day after COVID-19 and the role of technology” as part of our International Fintech Leadership Network webinar series 


Santiago Fernández de Lis, Head of Regulation, BBVA (Spain)


Nasir Zubairi, CEO of the LHoFT Foundation 


The world of FInancial Services has gone through an unprecedented period of regulatory action and reform over the past decade since the last financial crisis. At this time, working through the global pandemic of Covid19 in an era of digital innovation and fast changing consumer behaviour, many see that regulation has a critical role to play in enabling the financial services sector, particularly in Europe, to evolve and deliver enhanced services to their customers. On the flip side, supervisors are required to quickly determine risks of new digital business models and create appropriate rules to protect consumers and ensure a level playing field. 


  • How will regulation change, if at all, as a consequence of our experiences of COVID19?
  • How is digital innovation in finance impacting regulation, what headaches/opportunities are there?
  • Are there lessons we can learn from Asia or other places to strike a balance between regulation and innovation?


Santiago Fernández de Lis is currently Head of Regulation at BBVA. He was also Chairman of the Banking Stakeholders Group of the European Banking Authority (EBA). From 2007 to 2011 he was partner and Director of the International Department of Afi, a consultancy and think tank. He joined the Banco de España in 1986, where he held several management positions, among them Head of the Monetary and Financial Division and Director of the International Department (2001-2007) Between 1998 and 2000 he worked in the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basel, in the secretariat of the Committee of the Global Financial System (CGFS). He is an economist from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and he was a lecturer in Universidad Carlos III (Madrid). He is the author of several papers and publications on financial stability, financial regulation, monetary policy, international economics and central banking.

Follow and connect with Santiago on Linkedin adn Twitter 


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