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Date & Time:

May 23



Infrachain Summit is a gathering dedicated to blockchain topics where governance meets technology and compliance meets operations.

It will focus on the governance and compliance aspects of Blockchain without loosing out of sight the technical implications. Concrete business cases will be presented during the programme for you to adapt best practices in your own company.

Check out the latest agenda over here 

Get your tickets over here 

About Infrachain

Infrachain is a non profit organisation created by the emerging blockchain-related industry and supported by the Luxembourg government. Infrachain closes the gap between the maturing blockchain technologies and the regulatory and legal requirements. In order to achieve this goal, Infrachain creates a supplementary governance model on top of existing technologies allowing blockchain Proof of Concepts to go into operations – now


  • Leapfrog the adoption curve of blockchain by creating a compliant-ready community and permissioned node blockchain infrastructure
  • Provide disintermediation services to all aspects of the economy (Fintech, Healthcare, Public services, Supply chain management,…)
  • Create a vibrant European community of blockchain professionals driving and shaping the future blockchain industry

More info on infrachain.com

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White Paper

The AI Revolution In Financial Services

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