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September 27 @ 11:30 am - 5:00 pm

Fourth edition of the Global Green Finance Index


Sponsored by the Mava Foundation, and delivered in partnership by Z/Yen and Finance Watch, the fourth edition of the Global Green Finance Index provides the world’s most authoritative measure of the performance of financial centres in delivering green finance services.

The report, assembled by combining the views of financial professionals from around the world, with quantitative data commissioned and curated from over 130 sources, uses advanced statistical techniques to map the global spread of green finance.


  • 11:30 : Registration
  • 11:45: Welcome and Introduction (Nicolas Mackel, CEO Luxembourg For Finance)
  • 11:50: Keynote speech
  • 12:00: GGFI 4 Results (Mike Wardle, Head of Indices, Z/Yen)
  • 12:30: Focus On Data (Finance Watch)
  • 12:40: Questions
  • 12:55: Concluding Remarks (Nicolas Mackel)
  • 13:00: Reception And Refreshments
  • 14:15: Close

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White Paper

The AI Revolution In Financial Services

White paper How artificial intelligence is transforming the financial services industry, from portfolio management to AML compliance This white paper, prepared and written by VitalBriefing explores the impact of AI on Luxembourg’s finance sector, discussing its influence on investment management and KYC processes, the EU’s AI Act, and the balance between privacy and data access for sustainability. It examines current and potential AI use in financial institutions, considering scalability, and features expert insights from Nasir Zubairi and Claude Marx for
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