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October 22 @ 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Cybersecurity Week – “Hackers meet developers” by Hacknowledge

October is the month of cybersecurity enthusiasts.

LHoFT Member, Hacknowledge, is  organizing an event on Friday, October 22nd at the Big Bang (HoST) around the topic of Application Security.

“Hackers meet developers”

For this event, Hacknowledge wants to bring developers and security experts together so they can learn from each other and debate around various topics of interest.

With the new OWASP Top 10 which just came out, it would be the perfect opportunity to talk about AppSec and have each other’s view on the subject.

The discussion is open to all developers (front, back, fullstack, any stack!) and security experts as well.

Hacknowledge will do a presentation of the new OWASP Top 10 2021, focusing on the hotest topics: SSRF being voted 1# application security vulnerability, the new category insecure design, the not-so-new security misconfigurations category and more!

Following the presentation, it will be the chance to exchange freely on the subjects that have been introduced and have your opinion.

And of course share a drink together!


  • 5.00PM: Registration and Welcome
  • 5.30PM: Conference
  • 7:00PM: Get-together Drink

Register HERE

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