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Date & Time:

September 30 @ 8:45 am - 10:30 pm

Cyber Security Breakfast #49


Virtual Room Opening

09:00 – 09:20


How can cyber insurance help protect & recover from a crisis?

by Guillaume Del Pizzo, Client Executive at Marsh Luxembourg

Bringing together all the players of a cyber incident around the same table so that everyone can share his/her vision, motivation and challenges, is essential.

In an economy that is rapidly digitalizing, cyber risk is still poorly understood. Businesses have failed to appreciate the danger as hackers gain expertise.

A cyber law risk management strategy is based on three fundamental pillars: prevention, crisis management and insurance.

A good preparation to crisis management can significantly reduce the operational and financial impact of a cyber attack. A shorter crisis allows for a faster return to a normal life and less loss.

Cyber risk – like pandemic risk – is potentially systemic: without an adequate insurance, companies facing a large-scale cyber attack will see their future threatened.

Our experts will share with you some best practices on how to protect yourself and more especially how to recover.


Roundtable discussion with :

Astrid Wagner, Partner – Arendt

Christophe Bianco, Co-Founder & Managing Partner, Excellium Services

Guillaume Del Pizzo, Client Executive at Marsh Luxembourg

Guy-Philippe Goldstein, Strategic Advisor, Expon Capital

Moderation: Pascal Steichen, CEO, SECURITYMADEIN.LU



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