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Date & Time:

September 24 - September 25

ALFI – Global Distribution Conference 2019


ALFI – Global Distribution Conference 2019

New distribution markets – New distribution products – New distribution technology – New distribution regulation

  • Data is Big. Intelligence will be Augmented. At the ALFI Global Distribution Conference 2019, data and automation will certainly be a subject for discussion, but not only. In very practical terms, data handling and interpretation will also become app-rehensible. Be curious!
  • Generational changes impact the fund industry in many ways, perhaps distribution above all. Is it the millennials’ demands that link evolving transparency and responsibility standards, innovative pricing and cutting-edge distribution technology?
  • Where is the fund shopping app that allows us to sort and filter by social impact and price? Or do institutional investors hold the key to the future after all? What role will pensions play in successful distribution?
  • NEW: Workshops and break-out sessions will include dedicated portrayals of the geographical hot spots of fund distribution – the expected and the (perhaps) unexpected regions.

Have a look at the 2018 conference video report to experience the atmosphere of the event, sneak a peek backstage and hear testimonials from the participants.

The early bird rate expires on 6 September 2019

More info here! 

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White Paper

The AI Revolution In Financial Services

White paper How artificial intelligence is transforming the financial services industry, from portfolio management to AML compliance This white paper, prepared and written by VitalBriefing explores the impact of AI on Luxembourg’s finance sector, discussing its influence on investment management and KYC processes, the EU’s AI Act, and the balance between privacy and data access for sustainability. It examines current and potential AI use in financial institutions, considering scalability, and features expert insights from Nasir Zubairi and Claude Marx for
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