DOMOS can help you reduce by 70% your operational expenses or the other way around, grow your business by 70% with the same staff!
Country of incorporation: UK
Year of incorporation: 2013


Mr. Benoît Mouli, Sales Executive | Mr. Arnaud Vinciguerra, CEO

Elevator Pitch

DOMOS can help you reduce by 70% your operational expenses or the other way around, grow your business by 70% with the same staff!

Problem Solved

Risk management: no tools dedicated to PE/RE with a practical hands-on approach and the ability to perform stress testing & pre-investment analysis – DOMOS Risk management offers these features

Data integration & structuration: no standards in the market and mostly paper documents converted in pdf or scanned – so non digital. Data collection and formatting is time consuming. DOMOS Data strategy allows to automate this.

Reporting: legal reporting is a constraint. DOMOS offers to automate this and to leverage on the reports produced to provide added-value dashboards and reports to another audience: investors, CXOs, board…

Solution / Technology

DOMOS is a SaaS solution dedicated to Alternative Investment Funds, especially those investing in illiquid assets: Real-Estate, Private Equity, Infrastructure and Debt.

It allows to cut costs (saving time), gain control and security, and comply with regulations.
Based on an online (Luxembourg PFS hosted) database, DOMOS offer different modules:

  • Data strategy: Secure your data, limit your risks and reduce the costs of data collection and formatting in an automated and controlled way.Portfolios: Document and structure your assets with dedicated ID cards.
  • Limited Partners: Manage your Limited Partners’ operations from calculation of amounts to be called or distributed, through automation of notice generation and disposal on your web portal.
  • Investments: Perform your investments in a structured workflow, document your transaction, and report on your pipeline.
  • Risk: Deal with your Risk Management Process, perform stress tests and run pre-deal risk analyses on the flow.
  • Compliance: Manage your internal and external compliance, including compliance timeline, oversight and due diligence as well as investment restriction monitoring.
  • Legal reporting: Generate, send and archive all regulatory reports, e.g. AIFMD Annex IV or CRS/FATCA in a click.
  • Dashboards & reporting suite: Perform dynamic data analytics, share data, automate complex reports, including risk, investors, compliance, industry specific, e.g. SDDS, or produce your board packs.


Integrated solution, Innovation & Saas-Focus on a niche market: Private Equity, Real-Estate, Debt & Infrastructure

Market Size

+ EUR 100 Mio

Relevant Links

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