AmpaCash Corporation

AmpaCash is a fintech whose micropayments service (1c to $2) enables online vendors to earn large revenues from content sales.
Country of incorporation: US
Year of incorporation: 2018


Chiji Uzo (CEO) | Jeff Watson (Head of Strategy) | Victor Aideyan (Head of Marketing)

Elevator Pitch

AmpaCash is a fintech whose micropayments service (1c to $2) enables online vendors to earn large revenues from content sales.

Content is any item or service that can be delivered online. For example, videos, games, music, blogs, news, software, maps, reviews etc.

Problem Solved

Makes Micropayments possible without the need for aggregation; it does so at a cost that makes individual micropayment transactions profitable.

Solution / Technology

Via our AmpaCash processing technology which is backed by five issued Patents. Enables remote purchasing from any screen e.g. TV, PC, cell phone


Unmatched low-cost structure and the ability to customize solutions for large digital content sellers. A unique security model.

Market Size

Estimates vary as there is currently no micropayment provider. We use $100 billion

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White Paper

Financing Green Futures Through DLT Innovation White Paper

White paper Leverage DLT to boost sustainable finance transparency, efficiency, and accountability. This white paper explores the transformative potential of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) in advancing sustainable finance, offering a […]
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