Next Gate Tech S.A.

Next Gate Tech is a Luxembourg based, data-driven FundTech that provides…
Country of incorporation: Luxembourg
Year of incorporation: 2019


Davide Martucci, CEO, co-founder | Semin Ibisevic, CTO, co-founder | [email protected]

Elevator Pitch

Next Gate Tech is a Luxembourg based, data-driven FundTech that provides innovative Software-as-a-Service solutions for the asset management industry, shaping the future of fund industry technology.

Solution / Technology

Our mission is to enhance the Fund industry technology, thanks to machine learning, data analytics, and smart automation. We capitalize on the rapid emergence of cloud-based computing frameworks to offer fast, accurate, and robust solutions to our clients. We provide intelligent, adaptive, and dynamic automation solutions through a web platform to help industry players manage middle and back-office processes.

Relevant Links

White Paper

Financing Green Futures Through DLT Innovation White Paper

White paper Leverage DLT to boost sustainable finance transparency, efficiency, and accountability. This white paper explores the transformative potential of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) in advancing sustainable finance, offering a […]
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