
Compellio is a software company that develops enterprise applications for private companies and public organisations.Compellio solutions include cloud platforms for digital asset transaction management on the blockchain as well as corporate innovation management.
Country of incorporation: Luxembourg
Year of incorporation: 2013


Mr Denis Avrilionis, PhD – CEO & Founder | Mr Theofilos Papasternos – Business Project Manager

Elevator Pitch

Compellio is a software company that develops enterprise applications for private companies and public organisations.Compellio solutions include cloud platforms for digital asset transaction management on the blockchain as well as corporate innovation management.
Compellio’s latest product is the Compellio Registry, a blockchain-enabled digital asset certification platform that enables organisations to easily protect assets and process transactions in a GDPR-compliant and highly secure online environment.

Problem Solved

Using the latest in blockchain technology Compellio Registry creates permanent, non-forgeable records of digital content on all major public blockchains. With Compellio Registry organisations are able to:

  • Protect IP, sensitive business data, easy-to-forge documents and contracts
  • Prove ownership and existence of physical, digital and intellectual assets
  • Facilitate independent verification of data and business records globally
  • Certify receipt of information and monitor data integrity in real time

Solution / Technology

Compellio Registry is an out-of-the-box solution that can be easily plugged in existing enterprise systems via a standard REST API while its versatile technology can be deployed quickly and adopted effectively to any domain.
Key Benefits:

  • Mitigate compliance, documentation and litigation risks
  • Accelerate audit, due diligence, forensics and e-discovery
  • Increase security and accountability across the organisation
  • Reduce costs for data processing and IT integration


Production-ready technology

  • Unlimited scalability
  • Zero blockchain infrastructure cost
  • Direct integration with third party providers
  • Does not require a crypto wallet nor has any dependency on crypto currencies

Market Size

The Global Blockchain Technology Market is poised to grow at a CAGR of around 62.1% over the next decade to reach approximately $16.3 billion by 2025.The global total spent annually on regulatory compliance technology will rise from $50 billion in 2015 to $118 billion in 2020.

Relevant Links

White Paper

Financing Green Futures Through DLT Innovation White Paper

White paper Leverage DLT to boost sustainable finance transparency, efficiency, and accountability. This white paper explores the transformative potential of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) in advancing sustainable finance, offering a […]
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