
Get rid of organisational silos. Ensure transparent communication between…
Country of incorporation: Luxembourg
Year of incorporation: 2016


Joseph Stevens

Elevator Pitch

Get rid of organisational silos.

Ensure transparent communication between your departments and facilitate feedback to governance authorities.

Manage, coordinate and formalise your company’s multiple Governance, Risk, Internal Control, GDPR, Processes, Internal audit and Compliance (GRC) activities.

Rapidly manage all the risks inherent to your organisation (operational risks, AML/CTF risks, information security risks, etc.).

Have a permanent view on your internal controls, on the progress of your compliance and internal audit missions.

Centralise and structure your documents using data management system (DMS).

KM database: pick and play

A solution for high performers
The hosting of our solution is entrusted to a renowned support PFS in Luxembourg.

ROI from the first year. Continuous improvement. Save time.

Problem Solved

All in one solution. Increase transparency between silos. Avoid duplication of task. Clear and permanent view on the three lines of defences. Reporting and audit trail of controls and tasks. Save time. Easy and ready to use. Save costs and time. Offer automation of the process even for small and medium entities.

Solution / Technology



Competitive price. All in one solution. Ready to use and ready to tailor to your needs.

Market Size

Any entities subject to comply with internal audit, compliance, operational risks, GDPR, internal control, Quality management, Process documentation and Governance obligations or best practice.

Relevant Links

White Paper

Financing Green Futures Through DLT Innovation White Paper

White paper Leverage DLT to boost sustainable finance transparency, efficiency, and accountability. This white paper explores the transformative potential of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) in advancing sustainable finance, offering a […]
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