Inclusity Solutions

Inclusivity Solutions is an African-based insurtech company focused on developing relevant and affordable insurance products for emerging consumers. We do this by partnering with mobile operators and other financial institutions who already have strong customer relationships. We provide the technology to offer low-cost digital insurance products and the strategy needed to scale these products into sustainable opportunities.
Country of incorporation: South Africa
Year of incorporation: 2015


Mr Jeremy Leach, CEO | Mr Tyler Tappendorf, Customer Experience Exec | Mr Nigel Bowman, Product and Actuarial Exec | Mr Sam Ndori, General Manager Operations | Mr Tibo Zafack Takadong, Head of Technology

Elevator Pitch

Inclusivity Solutions is an African-based insurtech company focused on developing relevant and affordable insurance products for emerging consumers. We do this by partnering with mobile operators and other financial institutions who already have strong customer relationships. We provide the technology to offer low-cost digital insurance products and the strategy needed to scale these products into sustainable opportunities.

Problem Solved

Insurance penetration in many emerging markets is shockingly low because products are inaccessible, unaffordable, and only designed for the top 5% of the market.

Solution / Technology

We overcome this by linking our products with mobile operators. We leverage their brands for trust, their marketing channels to inform customers, and their distribution capabilities to bring insurance into the mobile handsets of customers. We provide the platform that links the mobile operators with insurance policies and the operational and strategic support to allow local insurers to design and run products geared toward the other 95%.


We’ve built a proprietary platform that drives insurance products designed for emerging consumers and integrates closely into mobile operator networks. Likewise, our team is African-based and built with leading experts in insurance, technology, telecoms, and emerging consumers.

Market Size

We’ve signed up over 400,000 customers as of October 2018 from our first three live markets: Rwanda (partnered with Airtel-Tigo), Kenya (partnered with Equitel), and Ivory Coast (partnered with Orange).

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White Paper

Financing Green Futures Through DLT Innovation White Paper

White paper Leverage DLT to boost sustainable finance transparency, efficiency, and accountability. This white paper explores the transformative potential of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) in advancing sustainable finance, offering a […]
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