
Rejustify: Empowering Decentralized Data Orchestration. Experience the security and intuitiveness of our AI-enhanced data preparation and merging service. Connect seamlessly with cloud, on-premises, and public databases through a unified API, ensuring real-time accessibility and efficiency.
Country of incorporation: Luxembourg


Vojtech Seman, CEO & Co-Founder | Marcin Wolski, CTO & Co-Founder

Elevator Pitch

Rejustify helps businesses to complete their data journey from data creation, mapping and structuring, through data access, data reuse, data enrichment and data mesh from internal/extrenal sources, to live infographics, dashboards, analytics, AI/ML and econometric modelling. Rejustify develops an AI-enhanced semantic ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) technology to automate data preparation, the most time-consuming element on the data journey.

Problem Solved

In today’s interconnected world, data plays a crucial role, yet it is often scattered across various locations, presented in different formats and languages, lacking organization and structure. making it challenging to use.

Data-driven organisations relied on analysts and data professionals for data preparation becomes increasingly complex as data volumes surge, consuming a substantial 80% of data teams’ time. This intricate and time-consuming process not only introduces risks and errors but also results in delayed actions, incurring unnecessary costs, and overlooking valuable opportunities for data-driven organizations.

Solution / Technology

Rejustify is a data orchestration engine to enable and simplify data-driven decision making. Rejustify automates data preparation from multiple sources. Our AI-enhanced semantic layer ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) technology allows for intuitive access to relevant data from multiple primary sources simultaneously, in real-time. Data orchestration by Rejustify minimizes the time and complexity required for data analysis, automation, insight generation, machine learning modelling, anomaly detection, and predictions, and ultimately leads to better-informed data-driven decisions delivered on time.

Market Size

  • 10 million Economy+Business+Finance+IT graduates each year in EU, US and India to spend next 4 years as Jr. Analysts,
  • 33% of them spend 80% of their work time preparing data,
  • 10% of them automate data preparation with Rejustify,
  • Rejustify B2B SaaS opportunity is €2B ARR.

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White Paper

Financing Green Futures Through DLT Innovation White Paper

White paper Leverage DLT to boost sustainable finance transparency, efficiency, and accountability. This white paper explores the transformative potential of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) in advancing sustainable finance, offering a […]
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