An overview of the Luxembourg Fintech Resource Center – Updated
The crisis that we face today with COVID-19 is unprecedented. In this troubled time, agility and adaptability are paramount. At the LHoFT, for the past 3 weeks, we have witnessed how Fintech companies are coping at their best with the current pandemic, and also what it means for the future of financial technology. The Fintech industry, our community (both our fintech startups, the institutional stakeholders and the private corporates) are turned to the future, to the novelty, to a world where collaboration goes alongside successful business. Collaboration also means solidarity especially today, because ‘alone you may go fast but together you go further’.
Nobody can predict how it will end but we can be sure that the world will be a better place if we join forces.
Many initiatives have been launched in Luxembourg by the Government, startups, corporates, individuals, media, associations to help and support each other. We have gathered below some initiatives of Luxembourg’s Fintech ecosystem. Many more can be listed.
Compellio is committed to supporting entrepreneurs and innovators during the COVID-19 outbreak, and helping them to work from home, collaborate online, and strengthen their knowledge in order to drive innovation and create the next big thing. That is why they are offering free Digital Services for Startup Incubators, Universities & Corporate Accelerators.
If you are interested by this offer, fill this form by 30 of April.
In this time of COVID-19 crisis, Hacknowledge wishes to help by offering:
1) Technical watch of latest attacks targeting healthcare sector:
- Deliverable: 1 email per week (or more in case of major outbreak) summarizing the latest attacks against the healthcare sector and easy-to-implement workarounds and quick-wins in order to prevent healthcare workers or systems falling victim to these attacks.
- Service duration: weekly until the end of the crisis.
2) Assessment of the current risk exposure and attack surface for each healthcare structure:
– OSINT investigation: collection of public information that could be exploited by potential attackers, such as visible email addresses (useful for phishing campaigns actively exploited during the COVID-19 crisis).
– Services discovery based on publicly available IP ranges (no exploitation) in order to identify major risks and address them.
- Deliverable: report including easy-to-implement workarounds and quick-wins
- Service duration:1 day per structure
3) Furthermore Hacknowledge has decided to expand the Heath Crisis Solidarity Project to all actors engaged in the fight against COVID-19, making this newsletter available to other sectors.
For any questions, contact Barbara Terra, Luxembourg Sales Manager.
Luxembourg Tech School (LTS)
The Luxembourg Tech School has launched a 100% free online course for students currently at a school in Luxembourg or Grand Region in order to learn how to design and develop your own game. With this course your kid is going to learn how to go from an idea to a finished 3D or 2D game, in just a few weeks! Your kid will learn to code in a fun and practical way. Game dynamics will not be a secret to you anymore.
All info here.
EmailTree AI comes as an end-to-end AI-driven solution to empower customer services & support teams with more productivity tools, while increasing customer satisfaction.
EmailTree is currently offering their “pro-lite 1000 emails” package for free.
All info here.
To support all types of organisations during COVID19 crisis, Stampify has launched its Crisis Platform to enable organisations to hold general and urgent meetings and sign the documents in a legally-binding way.Be among the first 10 companies to apply for free service.
More details here.
Cascade Lab
Cascade gives a helping hand to Fiduciaire and Fund Admins (SMEs). During the COVID crisis Cascade offers its Administrative, Compliance and Governance tool facilitating remote work with 3 months of license for FREE (no installation costs and prices from 6k EUR per annum).
More info here.
ANote Music
What is the best way for you to discover a new platform? That’s right, by testing it firsthand while at the same time getting the chance to earn cool prizes. With this idea in mind, ANote Music has just launched their first Trading Cup initiative. During a 15 days lasting competition (22 April until 07 May), the organization will replicate as realistic as possible a 6 month trading period. Participants will have the chance to manage a (virtual) Investment Portfolio of 10,000EUR and will be looking to grow their investments as much as possible, by trading music rights, in order to claim the first prize at the end of the competition.
More info here.
BTO Research
BTO offers a series of Video Pills on the reorganization of our daily work by using the concept of Smart. But what does being smart mean and how can it be applied to our management and collaborators? BTO wants to guide you on this path, to delve into the topic of Smart Business. Every week, new episodes will be published, which will help us fully understand the need we are facing in today’s world!
More info here.
LightPAY is the first digital meal voucher platform in Luxembourg.They are offering free service for the restaurants in Luxembourg.
Please continue to share here all your initiatives [email protected]
And don’t forget to keep an eye on this article that gathers all the beautiful initiatives of the whole Luxembourg Tech Community.
Everyone at the LHoFT expresses heartfelt thanks to the healthcare professionals on the front line of this pandemic, and every other essential worker (cashier, garbage collector, truck drivers, delivery people…) out there supporting our communities.
#StayHome #StaySafe
News from Linkedin
📍 London, UK | The LHoFT is excited to attend Europes largest Insurtech Conference in March 2025. Well renowned speakers from all over Europe share insights and learn from those top in the Industry. Join us there! LEARN MORE
📍 London, UK | The LHoFT is excited to attend Europes largest Insurtech Conference in March 2025. Well renowned speakers from all over Europe share insights and learn from those top in the Industry. Join us there! LEARN MORE