4 new Fintechs Added to the LHoFT Ecosystem

Back to school with the new members at the LHoFT

With 33 hosted Fintechs and 77 members, the LHoFT ecosystem continues to grow. In the last month, we had the pleasure to welcome 4 new members, and 2 of which will be hosted in our new facility.

You can see the full list of LHoFT members on Innovators page, but here’s a look at the members who have joined for September:


New Hosted Companies 

Stokr – www.stokr.io

Stokr is an accessible and easy to use peer-to-peer investment platform connecting investors and business founders to finance forward-thinking ideas and to share future profits.

Pure Equity 

New Members 

Hydrogen  – https://www.hydrogenplatform.com

Hydrogen is creating the global ecosystem for financial products. Hydrogen cloud-based API platform incorporates blockchain and AI on a global scale. With robust API offerings, Hydrogen allows developers and firms around the globe to build sophisticated fintech applications.

BMA Risk Management Solutions – http://www.bmarisk.com

BMA advises, supports and trains financial services professionals in the implementation of risk management framework and risk-related decision making process.



The LHoFT Foundation

The LHoFT Foundation is a not-for-profit initiative supported by the public & private sector to drive innovation for, and digitialisation of Luxembourg’s financial services industry. The LHoFT is the national platform and central hub for Fintech, working to connect the domestic and international community to solve challenges and address opportunities that will ensure the Financial Industry’s continued competitiveness.

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