Up Luxembourg

Offer companies on the Luxembourg market the possibility of granting advantages in nature (meal vouchers; eco vouchers or gift vouchers) to their employees


Alicia Brun, Country Manager of Up Luxembourg [email protected]

Up Luxembourg is an issuer of meal vouchers, avaiable and usable on a card. Its products and services are also assible via its online platform and mobile application. Up Luxembourg offers the best quality to price ration on the market. In addition, to top quality customer service and 100% automated managed. We enabled employees to increase their salary by 220 net per month while saving employees 40% on equivalent salary by being 100% exempt from social security charges.

Elevator Pitch

Up Luxembourg is more than a service and more than a product. It is a 360° tool simplifying the life of your company and your employee with purchasing power at the hear of our mission. Our corporate culture is based on innovation. The company was the first in belgium to offer a 100% digital service and use of meal vouchers. Digitilization remains anchored in our DNA, we innovate, adapt and improve quickly. A pioneer in payment simplicity, were constanty reinventing ourselves and creating new features to make life easier for our users. In Belgium, the Belgian Fintech collaborates with Payconiq by Bancontact and a loyalty system enabling its users to to make cardless payments directly via the app on on their smartphone while accumulating loyalty points. On top of that, we have a responsive, customer-oriented service (Answering you call and within 3 rings someone answers) aswell as online tools  for a 100% automated management and simple, transparent pricing.

Problem Solved

The Luxembourg meal voucher market is not very competive and has historically been paper based. We are proud to launch Up Luxembourg to revitalize Meal Vouchers solutions in the wake of the announced reform of meal vouchers (Digitization). This new legal framework willl fuel innovation and open up the market, bringing more services and benefits to users. Our aim is to offer an ever more effective, advantageous , simple, secure and innovative solution. At the heart of our solution, our R&D team is key and we work to respond immediately to our customers and improve our solution on a daily basis.

Solution / Technology

Up Luxembourg offers an innovative solution enabling

Employees to:

  • Increase their purchasing pwoer
  • Simply their daily life; Saying goodbye to multiple cards aswell as use of paper
  • Benefit from easy management, mobile payments the cream of the crop of the merchant network

Employers to:

  • Offer meal vouchers to their employees while managing their costs in an optimized way
  • Simplify their daily life; Saying goodbye to administrative burdens, hidden costs and hello to automated management

Merchants to:

  • Increase their sales and attract new custoemrs with a fair transaciton fees.

Market Size

Axproximately 20% of Emplooyees in Luxembourg benefit from meal vouchers.



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