
ume (‘you-me’) has been designed to respond to the asset management industry demands for an effective automated framework for the due diligence of fund distributors.
Country of incorporation: Luxembourg
Year of incorporation: 2017


Laurent Denayer, CEO

Elevator Pitch

ume (‘you-me’) has been designed to respond to the asset management industry demands for an effective automated framework for the due diligence of fund distributors.

Problem Solved

  • Management companies (ManCos) are performing due diligence on their fund distributors using their own questionnaire (DDQ)
  • This process is still very manual and consume a lot of ressources
  • ManCos have a partial view of their distributors (iceberg view)
  • ManCos on the same time have difficulties to find new distributors

Solution / Technology

  • Streamline due diligence exercise via an mutualized and standardized DDQ
  • Use of data analytics
  • Access to overall population of participating distributors (Trip Advisor like solution)


Unique technology + team experience and knowledge of the fund industry

Market Size

Management companies distributing funds on a cross-border basis (mainly located in Luxembourg and Ireland).Estimated costs dedicated on due diligence of fund distributors: EUR 250 million

Relevant Links

ume, know your fund distributors, kyd and due diligence

White Paper

The AI Revolution In Financial Services

White paper How artificial intelligence is transforming the financial services industry, from portfolio management to AML compliance This white paper, prepared and written by VitalBriefing explores the impact of AI […]
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