
RegTechs need a reliable partner to do the name screening part of their onboarding process, in order to deliver a better and faster experience to their clients, while KYC platforms require a solid screening solution capable of processing large files quickly and efficiently.
Country of incorporation: Belgium
Year of incorporation: 2017


Mr.Thomas Gilbert, Founder – CEO / CTO | Mr. Pascal Aerens, Co-Founder – Business Development | Mr. Jean Losco, Investor

Elevator Pitch

RegTechs need a reliable partner to do the name screening part of their onboarding process, in order to deliver a better and faster experience to their clients, while KYC platforms require a solid screening solution capable of processing large files quickly and efficiently.

Problem Solved

The screening process should be fast, reliable, transparent and accurate (keeping the false positive rate the lowest possible). We aim to fulfil all those criteria together in order to provide a frictionless user experience.

Solution / Technology

Jetscan is a cloud-based screening service, accessible through a standard API, compatible with most watchlist vendors, offering both real-time and batch services.


  • Hosted and infinitely scalable infrastructure to achieve very high throughput.
  • Advanced false positive reduction strategies, including in-flight rules, geo-location or AI classifiers.
  • Ability to precisely restore the context, even years later, and explain any result.

Market Size

Hundreds of potential FinTechs/RegTechs that have emerged the last few years, digital platforms, Tier 2/3 banks. We also expect more KYC pressure on other markets in the future.

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White Paper

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