Lingua Custodia

Making financial translations faster, cheaper and better through artificial intelligence.
Country of incorporation: France, Luxembourg
Year of incorporation: 2011


Mr Olivier Debeugny, Founding CEO | Mrs Stéphanie Mogenot, Managing Director | Mr Frédéric Moioli, Managing Director Luxembourg & Global Head of Business Development | Mr Raheel Qader, Head of Lab | Mr Arezki Sadoune, Head of Data and Project Management | Mr Massinissa Ahmim, Head of Product Specialists | Mr Gaëtan Boulard – Head of IT

Elevator Pitch

Making financial translations faster, cheaper and better through artificial intelligence.

Problem Solved

Financial institutions to reduce resources, time and budget dedicated to translation and communicate in multiple languages to their clients in a very quick, efficient and inexpensive manner. Lingua Custodia is the only machine translation company that was founded by finance professionals to specifically address the translation issues of the financial industry.

Solution / Technology

  • We have a detailed understanding of technology, language and client needs: both our financial language database, established and enriched over the past 9 years, and our AI expertise, embedding the latest developments in Deep Learning, enable us to offer an innovative approach through automation and optimisation of translation processes.
  • Each of our translation engines is built and trained for a specific financial domain. Thanks to our expertise in deep learning, they learn and continuously improve through usage.
  • Our MT engines can be accessed in a secured manner through several web-based interfaces or directly through an API. Service available wherever our clients are 7/7 24/24.
  • The user only needs to upload the document to be translated, select source, target languages and click translate. A few minutes later the document is translated, ready for proofreading review.  No formatting is required as it has been preserved through the translation process.
  • Lingua Custodia can also propose specialised resources to review the translated documents on behalf of their clients.


Only Lingua Custodia is able to provide both expertise in machine learning applied to a massive financial data base and extensive knowledge of the financial context. Several companies are proposing machine translation solutions on the market and some financial institutions have tried those tools with mixed results, until today. The reason is that those companies are proposing machine translation solutions that are generalist (generic).

Market Size

1 Billion € in Europe

Relevant Links


White Paper

Financing Green Futures Through DLT Innovation White Paper

White paper Leverage DLT to boost sustainable finance transparency, efficiency, and accountability. This white paper explores the transformative potential of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) in advancing sustainable finance, offering a […]
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