
IgniSign offers e-signature as an API and is designed to provide different identification and authentication options based on user equirements. The services include Simple, Advanced and Qualified e-signatures with eIDAS compliant security measures. IgniSign is built for developers, easy to integrate and competitive.
IgniSign - LHoFT


Co-founders: CEO Julien Jenoudet ([email protected]) and CTO Paul Cayon ([email protected] )

Elevator Pitch

IgniSign is an one-of-its-kind digital signing API tailored to your specific needs. Whether it’s simple authentication for low-risk transactions, rigorous security for high-stakes deals, or robust protection for sensitive documents, our system integrates effortlessly with your apps.

We bring you the power of eIDAS-compliant signatures, complete with multi-level identification and authentication options, and developer-friendly API. It’s the future of digital transaction security, accessible now.

Problem That Ignisign Solves

In the digital age, ensuring the authenticity and security of online transactions and digital documents is a significant challenge.

This is particularly important for legal, financial, and sensitive documents where the integrity of the signature is paramount. Additionally, developers need a way to integrate these security solutions seamlessly into their apps.

Description Of Ignisign Solution

IgniSign’s solution is an electronic signature system offering varying degrees of security based on the need. The Simple E-Signature solution is ideal for low-risk transactions, providing basic authentication and ease of use. The Advanced E-Signature takes security a notch higher, implementing rigorous authentication ideal for high-stakes transactions and binding documents.

The Qualified E-Signature offers the highest level of security for sensitive documents, ensuring signer identity and document integrity through multi-factor authentication. All solutions are eIDAS-compliant and utilize features like PKI and HSM for enhanced security.

Furthermore, IgniSign offers an easy-to-integrate API, making it a developer-friendly solution. Pricing is competitive and based on a pay-as-you-sign model.

Description Of Ignisign Market Size

The global e-signature market is estimated at $2.9Bn with a 26% CAGR.

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