
Hacknowledge is a Swiss-made security monitoring solution that will help you shorten the time between breach and detection.Our service is built on experience and intelligence gained from more than a decade of penetration…
Country of incorporation: Switzerland
Year of incorporation: 2018


Mr Paul SUCH, CEO | Ms Barbara Terra, Sales Director Luxembourg

Elevator Pitch

Hacknowledge is a Swiss-made security monitoring solution that will help you shorten the time between breach and detection.Our service is built on experience and intelligence gained from more than a decade of penetration test and mitigating advanced threats. Our R&D is done in Luxembourg and Switzerland.

Searching the logs to find security issues is close to finding a needle in the haystack. This is why we will leverage the use of your existing security devices and fortify your logs with strong indicators of compromise generated by our custom sensors installed on your network.Finally, our experts will provide unique insights that machines lack. Before being sent to you, each alert is validated and analyzedby our security-experts who will also provide you with advices to help you mitigate the threat.

Hacknowledgeis a unique blend of logs correlation, Intrusion detection system, honeypots, vulnerability scanning, penetration test  and much more…

Problem Solved

HACKNOWLEDGE is a Managed Detection and Response (MDR) services company. We monitor your network 24×7 and our expert security engineers detect and respond to threats using our cutting-edge VISION Cyber ManagementTMsolution.

We are an extension of your team.

  • Leverage the time between breach and detection
  • Help you qualify breaches and cyber-attacks
  • Focus on your business , let professional take care of your cyber-security

The average company is receiving +/- 25 alerts per day (from its existing security and network devices) that they are not able to qualify and manage… It takes an average time of more than 3 month for a company to realise that it has been hacked.

Solution / Technology

Custom built and developed solution

Made in Switzerland & Luxembourg

Operated in Luxembourg (for Luxembourg customers)

Including, among others :

  • Managed SIEM
  • Intrusion detection system
  • Honeypot
  • Penetration testing
  • Vulnerability scanning
  • Prof advice


  • Same company developing and running the solution -> full control of our solution
  • Company funded by cyber-security experts with years of experience
  • Affordable solution, also for SME
  • Local presence in Luxembourg and Switzerland

Market Size

  • All companies are concerned from SME to large corporations
  • Smaller customer today : 5 workstations
  • Largest customer: 16 000 workstations

Relevant Links

White Paper

Financing Green Futures Through DLT Innovation White Paper

White paper Leverage DLT to boost sustainable finance transparency, efficiency, and accountability. This white paper explores the transformative potential of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) in advancing sustainable finance, offering a […]
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