Alto Fund

Fund industry is crumbling under a pile of written documents (prospectuses, kiid, statements, transaction tickets, agreements…). Alto’s APAAS allow industry participants to simple send their PDFs documents to a solution that…
Country of incorporation: Luxembourg
Year of incorporation: 2009


Mr. Yoann Jagoury , CEO & Founder | [email protected]

Elevator Pitch

Fund industry is crumbling under a pile of written documents (prospectuses, kiid, statements, transaction tickets, agreements…).
Alto’s APAAS allow industry participants to simple send their PDFs documents to a solution that takes care of extracting relevant information and understanding it.
APAAS API responds within seconds with the relevant information in the chosen structured format and provides references for each fact extracted to trace the source and double check if needed.
We look for industry actors who have great business cases to replace time spent reading documents by automated information and knowledge collection. Our solution can be offered in white labelling.

Problem Solved

On-board new clients and keep data from 3rd parties update to date by providing structured access to data that is only available in written form.
Work with unstructured data as if it was structured data.

Solution / Technology

APAAS uses state of the art solutions including Natural Language Processing in addition to the knowledge of the fund industry to create actionable knowledge for fund industry participants.


Knowledge of the Fund industry.Since 2013 we have proven our ability to deliver solutions used daily by fund industry actors including deploying machine learning algorithm in banks.We have developed a state of the art tool box for natural language understanding.

Market Size

Asset managers &Fund service providers employ around 20000 people in Luxembourg alone and thousands more in Europe, and most of them work with unstructured fund documents.

Relevant Links

White Paper

Financing Green Futures Through DLT Innovation White Paper

White paper Leverage DLT to boost sustainable finance transparency, efficiency, and accountability. This white paper explores the transformative potential of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) in advancing sustainable finance, offering a […]
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