Accelex Technology Luxembourg

Powered by cutting-edge data science, artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques, Accelex streamlines the extraction, analysis and reporting of critical private investment data. The Accelex solution automates…
Country of incorporation: United Kingdom, Luxembourg
Year of incorporation: 2018 (UK) / 2021 (LUX)


Franck Vialaron, Chief Executive Officer | Michael Aldridge, President and Chief Revenue Officer | Nicole Weder, Chief Product Officer | Phillip Mortimer, Chief Data Scientist | Kodjo Klouvi, Chief Architect

Elevator Pitch

Powered by cutting-edge data science, artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques, Accelex streamlines the extraction, analysis and reporting of critical private investment data. The Accelex solution automates the often-manual processes of analysing unstructured performance and transaction data from a wide range of private investment document types.

Problem Solved

Automating the typically manual, resource intensive process of extracting, analysing and sharing of critical investment performance and transaction data. Reducing costs and time whilst improving efficiency, accuracy, auditability and scalability.

Solution / Technology

The Accelex solution is powered by proprietary AI and machine learning techniques championing a unique blend of natural language processing, machine vision and heuristic approaches.


Our approach is nondeterministic, where the technology is not template based unlike many of our competitors. We leverage the latest data science techniques and proprietary taxonomy.

Market Size

  • 50,000+ alternative investment market participants including investors, managers and servicers
  • $15tn in alternative AUM
  • $1bn market opportunity for Accelex

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White Paper

Financing Green Futures Through DLT Innovation White Paper

White paper Leverage DLT to boost sustainable finance transparency, efficiency, and accountability. This white paper explores the transformative potential of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) in advancing sustainable finance, offering a […]
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