WHAT IS INFRACHAIN SUMMIT? Infrachain Summit is a gathering dedicated to blockchain topics where governance meets technology and compliance meets operations. The Summit is about real business – not about the next hype. The event is centered on operational use cases in the world of 3rd party distributed trust. You will learn how Blockchain can […]

PE & RE Conference

Luxembourg  – a hub where companies serve the European alternative fund market If your focus is on private assets, you know that Luxembourg is the right place for your business: in Luxembourg, you can find the administration and operations teams that can react fast and show flexibility in unprecedented times. Because in Luxembourg the seamless […]


SUSTAINING ECONOMIC RECOVERY This year main theme will be Sustaining Economic Recovery - The pandemic brought widespread and devastating disruption to our lives. The need for accelerated digitalisation became immediate. Now is the time for reconstruction and redevelopment. STAGES  Stage 1: KeynotesCase StudiesPanels, Debates Stage 2: EU FintechPitch Battle Stage 3: Interactive Sessions & more: Networking Exhibition“Meet the […]

SLUSH 2021

DECEMBER 1–2 HELSINKI, FINLAND The comeback you’ve been waiting for. Slush 2021 is safely bringing together the world’s leading founders, investors, executives, and media for a curated gathering of 8,000 attendees at Helsinki Expo and Convention Center. Our actions over the next decade will determine the course of humanity for generations to come. Entrepreneurs building […]


Global call for all digital financial innovators ! The AFI Inclusive Fintech Showcase showcases the world’s most promising FinTech and RegTech innovators that are enhancing access to and the usage and quality of formal financial services for low-income populations in developing countries and emerging markets. Download the application form here! Learn from previous finalists Why […]

The Banking Scene Luxembourg

What brings banks back at the forefront of societal transformation? Find out at #TBSCONF22LUX. With ESG as a driving force for change, banks are uniquely placed to assist the shift of a fairer and greener future, accelerated by COVID-19. On February 22, we pick up on the dialogue of the last edition, back in 2020, […]

Romanian AI Startups in Luxembourg (In Romanian)

Virtual Event Virtual Event

REN WEBINAR adresat profesioniștilor și companiilor in domeniul AI - ecosistemul luxemburghez și oportunitățile pentru companiile românești About this event Sunteți invitați la un prim eveniment REN pe tema inteligenței artificiale. Luxemburg a ridicat digitalizarea și inteligenta artificiala la nivel de prioritate guvernamentala acum câțiva ani și de atunci rezultatele nu au întârziat sa apară. Ambition #1: - […]

The Power of Gender Inclusion III

Championing women in finance and technology This is the 3rd and final event of our year-long campaign on gender diversity. The event will focus on and discuss the internal, sub-conscious, challenges for gender inclusion, such as self-limiting beliefs, fear of failure and impostor syndrome. Our Keynote Speaker will be H.E. Mme Paulette Lenert, Deputy Prime […]

Gender Inclusion: The Talent Key

LHoFT 9, rue du Laboratoire, L-1911 Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Join us for a transformative event co-hosted by LHoFT and KPMG As we unveil our comprehensive report on Gender Inclusion, we invite you to join in an essential dialogue aimed at reshaping the corporate landscape of Luxembourg. This gathering will bring together industry leaders, change-makers, and pioneers to discuss gender diversity and representation in finance […]

ACA Insurance Day 2023

European Convention Center Luxembourg (ECCL) 4 Place de l'Europe, 1499 Luxembourg

ACA Insurance Day 2023 : le rendez-vous incontournable de l’assurance Depuis 2013, l’ACA Insurance Days est « le rendez-vous incontournable de l’assurance au Luxembourg ». Au fil des années, le public s’est agrandi et nous sommes désormais ravis d’accueillir plus de 1000 professionnels du secteur financier pour échanger sur des sujets aussi brûlants que variés […]

LHoFT at AI for Finance

📍Paris, France | The Luxembourg House of Financial Technology (LHoFT) is excited to announce its participation in the upcoming 6th Edition of the AI For Finance Summit. This year's summit, themed around Generative AI, will take place on September 17th. The event promises to be a hub of innovation and insight, bringing together industry leaders, […]

LHoFT at Nordic Fintech Week 2024

📍 Copenhagen, Denmark | The LHoFT is delighted to assist in the upcoming edition of the Nordic Fintech Week, a premier event designed to connect you with some of the most influential founders, thinkers, and visionaries shaping the Nordic fintech ecosystem. Discover the latest industry trends and insights that are driving innovation in the region. […]

White Paper

Financing Green Futures Through DLT Innovation White Paper

White paper Leverage DLT to boost sustainable finance transparency, efficiency, and accountability. This white paper explores the transformative potential of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) in advancing sustainable finance, offering a fresh perspective on how DLT can tackle the key challenges presented in this white paper, by significantly enhancing transparency, efficiency, and accountability in the sector. […]
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