The Unbreakable Mindset: How to foster resiliency and win in 2021
January 20, 2021 @ 12h00 - 13h00

Wednesday, January 20th from 12h00 to 1h00 pm
2020 has been a tumultuous year for every citizen and entrepreneur facing unprecedented economic and personal challenges. At the same time, we witnessed incredible individuals revealing strong character traits, forming initiatives and leading institutions and teams to perform and create unexpected value by spotting and seizing new opportunities. Can those traits be distinguished and identified? Are there practices to help uncover and foster strong success habits to make a lasting difference in business and at home.
To answer those questions, the LHoFT is introducing you to Marco Houwen and Maurizio Cortesi, two human crisis managers who have supported hundreds of struggling entrepreneurs with their relentless coaching and timeless teachings.
12h00 – 12h35:
- How to overcome challenges in a high-stress environments
- What daily routines to implement and and foster emotional resiliency and creative problem-solving
- The most important personal skills to develop in 2021
12h35 – 12h40: Validate your knowledge with a live quiz (optional)
12h40 – 1h00: 2 workshop sessions to chose from (optional)
(please make sure that your latest ZOOM version 5.43 is activated to access the workshop sessions / all you need is to click on your menu bar followed by the zoom icon and “check for updates*)
Discover your entrepreneurial journey with Marco Houwen (Concepts to embrace to kickstart and enhance your entrepreneurial journey)
Develop Presence & Vision with Maurizio Cortesi (simple techniques to give you the edge )
(interact directly with Maurizio Cortesi or Marco Houwen in a separate breakout room on ZOOM – Select your option on the registration page)
Marco Houwen is a Strategic Life Coach for Entrepreneurs and Senior Executives, mentor, facilitator, author and public speaker. Marco combines his 25+ years of experience as an entrepreneur with his dedication to his own inner journey to support business and community leaders to create their very own holistic success. Serial-Entrepreneur in the Internet field since 20 years, Marco co-founded companies like, EuroDNS and LuxCloud. Marco was also instrumental in the creation of the Luxembourg ICT eco-system and co-founded leading initiatives like LU-CIX and Infrachain.
Maurizio Cortesi is a human being, passionate learner and researcher at heart, and a trainer and coach by professional vocation. After his former experiences in management and administration, both in the private and public sectors, he has worked for almost a decade in academia, earning two PhDs (Management Engineering and Economics). A long-standing mindfulness practitioner himself, he has trained to become a certified MBSR teacher (CFM is the only MBSR-certifying institution in the world), and over time has had the chance to practice with incredibly inspiring teachers, among which the very founders of MBSR and other precious mentors and human beings. He is also a trained educator in the Mindful Schools K-12 curriculum, bringing mindfulness to kids and teenagers in schools around the world. He is devoted to his own personal practice in daily life and to continuous learning consistently attending workshops, seminars and retreats. Nowadays, he has the great opportunity to support individuals, groups, and organisations, through mindfulness interventions (MBI), MBSR programs, as well as workshops and coaching for personal and professional development. Moreover, he has the privilege of accompanying and coaching Bachelor and Master students, and PhD candidates, at different universities. He practices fluently in three languages (English, French, or Italian), and also speaks Spanish, Luxembourgish, and basic German.