The Power of Gender Inclusion III

November 29, 2022 @ 16h30 - 21h00


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Championing women in finance and technology

This is the 3rd and final event of our year-long campaign on gender diversity. The event will focus on and discuss the internal, sub-conscious, challenges for gender inclusion, such as self-limiting beliefs, fear of failure and impostor syndrome.

Our Keynote Speaker will be H.E. Mme Paulette Lenert, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Health, Luxembourg

Be part of the conversation and help drive change for greater inclusivity.

Program :

16.30 : Door opening and arrival

17.00: Opening/ introduction of the event by Master of Ceremony, Giulia Iannucci Founder & CEO of KnowThyBrand, & Nasir Zubairi CEO of The LHoFT

17.10 : Keynote by H.E. Mme Paulette Lenert, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Health, Luxembourg

17.25 : 2nd Keynote by Sev Marcel, Director of Research & Insights, Co-founder & Host of the Your Day Your Rules Podcast (UK)

17.40 : Panel Discussion – What are the main internal barriers that women in Finance and Technology face and what can be done about it?

Moderated by Michael Fernando, Litigator | Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Advocate | Podcaster, UK

  • Kristen Anderson, Vice Chair at European Women on Boards (Italy)
  • Una Clifford-Bahçecik, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging at European Investment Bank (Luxembourg)
  • Susanne Schartz, COO at SEQVOIA (Luxembourg)
  • Niccolo Polli, Head of Strategy Europe/Board Member at HSBC (Luxembourg)
  • Konstance Ziegler, Head Inclusion & Diversity at KPMG Luxembourg (Luxembourg)

18.45 : Q&A

19.00 : Networking, drinks and food

Where : The Big Bang (Floor 0) @ The LHoFT, 9 Rue du Laboratoire, 1911 Luxembourg

The LHoFT Team

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