The 360° of Fundraising – The Road to Venture Capital 2022

March 30, 2022 @ 12h00 - 13h20


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Tap into the space of fundraising with the LHoFT 360° Masterclass Series


12h00 pm – 12h55 pm : The Roundtable Discussion – The Road to Venture Capital 2022


hosetd by

Pranjul Shah, Head of the Incubator

Stephane Pesch, CEO of the LPEA

Take a step behind the scenes and learn from Europe’s finest Fintech investors.

Despite the 2021 global economy meltdown, venture capital investment in European Fintechs remains highly active followed by record breaking performances.

During our meeting, we’ll explore the current state of investments and predictions for 2022, before stepping behind the scenes with interactive training during the rapid fire workshop sessions.

12:55 pm – 1:00 pm : The quiz game experience – Score and with your gifted edition of “SUPER ENTREPRENEURSHIP DECODED”

Quiz Game session – The top 3 best scoring participants will be granted a one-on-one consultancy session with the speaker of their choice and a gifted edition of “SUPER ENTREPRENEURSHIP DECODED”

1h00 pm – 1h30 pm : Your workshop learning experience  (you’ll be able to assign yourself to one of the workshops to choose from)


Workshop 1: The 7 Secret Evaluation Criteria Venture Capitalists Use To Make Investment Decisions

with Aram Attar

Venture Capitalists are vocal about what they look for in startups they invest in: stellar team, large market, scalability, exit routes, and so on. What about the evaluation criteria they DON’T talk about but critically influence their decision-making process?

Workshop 2: Insights on investing in Crypto Projects with Karen Wendt 

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