Narrative Strategy: From “Communication Big Idea”, To Pillars and Touchpoints Experience
September 30, 2020 @ 12h00

Narrative Strategy: From “Communication Big Idea”, to Pillars and Touchpoints Experience
In this learning experience, we will link the Brand Positioning with the Narrative Strategy. It has the critical role to deploy the intended brand into the right consumer space, through well-articulated experiences.
1. Recap Brand Architecture:
The architecture shows the way a brand connects with the outside world through a mix of performance and promises. We will highlight how the leading brands are built through a clear ambition, values, beliefs, benefits, arguments, personality, and design elements. In successful cases, a brand becomes a magnetic artifact, able to attract a loyal “tribe” of customers
2. Intended target group:
Pen Portrait
3. Narrative Strategy – transforms Positioning into “Communication Big Idea”, Communication pillars and touchpoints experience:
- Communication Archetypes: the mix of pure symbols
- Communication Big Idea: the organizing narrative umbrella.
- Communication Pillars
- Narrative Arcs and Touchpoints Experience
- We will discuss various examples and will dive into Red Bull and James Bond cases.
Limitation note:
We will highlight the best in class models, which are notorious and successful. Our objective is to study the pre-eminent examples. In communication usually, the best practices come from storytelling industries (like Hollywood) or from FMCG or Service companies. These entities put a huge effort in developing their communication and interaction with their clients and later became a competitive advantage. B2B Organisations usually fail in this aspect, lacking a proper communication focus, at least from the time being. Second, our objective is to learn new ideas, not to solve specific business issues.
Meet Mihai:
Mihai Bonca is a Senior Consultant at Brand Architects. He has an extensive experience involving brand repositioning and renovations. The local and international brands lead by Mihai repeatedly achieved market leadership, while he received more than 25 industry awards for marketing contribution. He helps Boards and CEOs of local and multinational organizations redefining strategies, transforming brands and marketing approach, building roadmaps. In the past, Mihai held Board Member positions and managed four countries as a Group Marketing Director. His expertise ranges from traditional FMCG to B2B and e-Commerce. Mihai holds an MBA degree from Oxford University and contributes towards the new generation of professionals by teaching Marketing Strategy as a Lecturer/ Clinical Expert in different business schools. When not in office, with clients, in conferences or with students, Mihai can be spotted on the basketball court.