Meet and Code by Kids Life Skills – 3 Events in 1
November 27, 2021 @ 14h30 - 17h30

The mission of Kids Life Skills is to prepare kids worldwide for the tech-heavy future, giving them the advantage to better their life no matter the profession they may choose by empowering them and helping them develop the most essential soft skills and digital skills.
On Saturday 27th of November, the Kids Life Skills is offering to your kids a full afternoon of learning and fun: MEET AND CODE – Free Event
In this event the kids will take part in a unique workshop in a small group , where they will learn while playing and solving logical challenges, as part of the workshop the kids would also have the opportunity to play with and program different kinds of robots in a fun and engaging activity suitable for their age group.
Pick your correct age range for your kid:
Introduction to the concept of sequence, what is a robot? Connecting the logic between code, sequencing and everyday robots we all use
The participation in the event is free and open to all | Registration is needed.
Introduction to the concept of sequence, what is a robot? What is AI? Connecting the logic between code, sequencing and everyday robots…
The participation in the event is free and open to all | Registration is needed.
Introduction to the concept of sequence, what is a robot? What is AI? Connecting the logic between code, sequencing and everyday robots…
The participation in the event is free and open to all | Registration is needed.