LTS Hackathon – Digital Financial Services for Seniors developed by Juniors
July 2, 2021 @ 18h00 - July 4, 2021 @ 16h30

The Luxembourg Tech School Hackathon: Digital Financial Services for Seniors developed by Juniors
This is a Phygital Hackathon, taking place between 2 and 4th July 2021, sponsored by Fondation ABBL pour l’éducation Financière and supported by the LHoFT, Croix Rouge Luxembourgeoise, Help and Vodafone.
As populations age and birth rates decline in many parts of the world, digital solutions have an important role to play in ensuring financial well-being for older adults. Globally, the number of people aged 60 years or over has more than doubled since 1980, and the share of older adults is projected to double again by 2050.
WHY a dedicated hackathon focusing on Digital Financial Services for Seniors developed by Juniors?
Over the past years the usage of digital financial services increased dramatically, making our lives easier, faster and more productive. However, such services are often not adopted nor used by older generations due to lack of trust or technological knowledge.
In this two-day hackathon LTS Level One students will get together to design and build digital financial products to help the senior citizens overcome technological barriers and keep up with the pace of change.
The Mentors
Why join as a mentor?
There’s nothing more rewarding than helping and advising young creative minds to achieve a goal. It’s also exhilarating to discover new ways of thinking and approaching a problem. You can have a real impact on their generation but also on your industry. Some projects launched during hackathons have even been implemented in the market.
How does it work?
All Mentoring Sessions are hold online. Mentors are grouped in teams of 3-4 and each Mentor Team is allocated to 2 teams of students. Mentors are expected to spend 20 minutes with each team. The goal is to provide constructive feedback on the project and help the students crystalise their ideas, find the uniqueness, the “gem” of their specific project.
When are mentors’ sessions?
The mentorship session starts on Saturday July 3rd at 1pm and will finish around 3pm. Login details to the platform will be provided a few days before the hackathon.
Reach HERE if you want to join the adventure as mentor.
👀 Live Pitches on Sunday, 4th of July 2021
After 2 days of intense hacking, students from the Luxembourg Tech School will present on Sunday new products and solutions around the topic of Digital Financial Services for Seniors developed by Juniors
Join us on YouTube to watch the live pitches and discover the winners!