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May 13 @ 12:00 pm

LHoFT Webinar: Thought Crisis Leadership: Cybersecurity Covid19 – A New Cyber Landscape


The LHoFT team is pleased to invite you to an exclusive workshop on “Thought Crisis Leadership: Cybersecurity Covid19 – A New Cyber Landscape” with Christophe Bianco, Managing Partner of Excellium and Pascal Steichen, CEO of securitymadein.lu on Wednesday, May 13 from 12h00 to 12h45


Part 1 – “State of Cyber Threats during COVID19 crisis” with Pascal Steichen

First lesson of the Covid Crisis after 2 months of Remote working:

When safety and cybersecurity can go hand in hand with threats, phishing, and scams on the rise. 

Part 2 – “Best Practices in Cybersecurity in a post COVID19 World”, with Christophe Bianco 

Cybersecurity guide on how to transition back to normal – Best Practices to adopt:

  • What is the end of the contingency period?
  • What are the main risks we, as Fintech startups, can face?
  • Being startups which kind of questions we can be asked by our prospects when it comes to Cyber?

Part 3. – Cybersecurity – Post-Covid19

Open Q&A, with Pascal Steichen & Christophe Bianco

Don’t miss out on our upcoming Virtual Fintech Friday this week May, 15th starting at 6h45 by registering next at – The House Party Vol 2 on REMO


Speakers’ Bio:

Pascal Steichen, CEO of securitymadein.lu

Pascal holds a master degree in “astrophysics” and, in parallel of having his first work experience as a software engineer, he graduated in “applied information technology”. In 2002 he joined the Luxembourg government, first at the “Task Force eLuxembourg” and afterwards at the Ministry of the Economy as advisor and project manager in the area of network and information security. From 2003 to 2014 he was a member of the management board of ENISA (the European Network and Information Security Agency). Today, Pascal is CEO of SECURITYMADEIN.LU, the structure behind the main information security initiatives of the Luxembourg government: CASES, CIRCL, BEE SECURE and the Cybersecurity Competence Center (C3), launched in 2017 as a european-wide unique facility to empower the Luxembourg economy in the field of cybersecurity. He is a member of the Luxembourg Cyber Security Board,  lecturer in information security at the University of Luxembourg, president of the CLUSIL (an association representing the information security landscape of Luxembourg) and member of the FIC advisory board.

Christophe Bianco, Managing Partner at Excellium 

Christophe is the co-founder and the managing director of Excellium Services. Excellium was founded in 2012 by the willingness of people active in the Information Security field and currently have about 120 employees, present in 7 countries (across Europe and Africa) and realise about 15.5 MEuros in revenues. In December 2018, Excellium opened its equity to SonaeIM the investment arm of the Portuguese Group SONAE. Before Excellium, Christophe has been vice-president and General Manager for the European, Middle East & African region of Qualys, a Worldwide leader in computer vulnerability management solutions. In this job, he has been responsible for strategic, operational, sales and marketing activities. With about 20 years of experience in providing security, governance, security audits and penetration tests, his mission has been to support the company IPO in 2012. Beforehand, he managed the activities development of Verizon Business on the European Region for the security division during 10 years. Before that, he had a 1st experience as network administrator in Paribas Luxembourg Bank during 3 years. He is since September 2018 Associate professor at Telecom Nancy on the cybersecurity track and regularly speaks at conferences on Information Security issue, analysis of the economics of cybercrime or evolving threats. He is supporting the Institut Luxembourgeois des Administrateurs (ila.lu) on cybersecurity education and the cybersecurity Working Group at Association of Information professionals in Luxembourg.

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